
4 Months
Company Siz
Social App/Startup

(TikTok Clone)

Vlokr, a groundbreaking mobile app that redefines social interaction through blockchain technology and cryptocurrency rewards. Developed with Dart and Flutter, Vlokr ensures a seamless experience on both iOS and Android smartphones, being the epitome of hybrid app development. This transformative platform, led by our top-rated Flutter expert developer and solution architect, merges concepts from social media with the principles of cryptocurrency to create VTV.

VTV, powered by blockchain, fosters a community where content creation and sharing are not only secure but also innovative and creative. With less rigid content censorship, VTV prioritizes the privacy of creators and users while revolutionizing the reward system. Content creators, influencers, and users alike are incentivized with cryptocurrency, paving the way for a decentralized and dynamic social experience.

Beyond entertainment, VTV extends its impact to social causes, allowing transparent tracking of donations and fund deployment.

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