
12 Months
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(Doc Appointment booking app)

Wateen-al-Hayat, the ultimate solution for seamless medical appointment booking that connects patients with healthcare providers effortlessly. Our web application, crafted with MongoDB, ExpressJS, React.js, JavaScript, and Node.js within the potent MERN Stack, guarantees a user-friendly interface and efficient appointment scheduling.

With the expertise of our top-rated MERN stack developer, the frontend of Wateen-al-Hayat employs Next.js, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS to deliver an intuitive and visually appealing experience for both patients and healthcare professionals. The integration of Firebase ensures real-time updates, contributing to a secure and dynamic user journey.

On the mobile front, our app, developed with Dart and Flutter, excels on both iOS and Android platforms. Hybrid App Development ensures optimal performance, while Firebase integration and push notifications keep users informed and engaged with their healthcare journey. Spearheaded by our top-rated Flutter expert developers and solution architects, Wateen-al-Hayat's mobile app stands as a beacon of reliability and functionality in the realm of medical appointment booking.

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